but Kids Escaping Drugs is doing its part. Research has shown that addiction
to any drug is a brain disease.
Drugs are chemicals. They work in the brain by tapping into the
communication system and changing the way nerves normally process
information. This disease can be treated through behavioral and
pharmacological treatments. However the challenge is to make the public aware
of the problem so the addicted can get the help that they need.
“We have reached over 125,000 students with a poignant and direct
message from the young people on our campus regarding the painful
consequences of addiction,” said Melissa Rivers, communications coordinator
for Kids Escaping Drugs. The group’s campus, located on Harlem road in West Seneca,
houses addicted adolescents from 12 to 21 years old. The campus also takes the
families of the addicts into account.
“We serve to educate them about the disease of addiction. This education
allows the families to make changes to the home environment, which improves
the adolescents' ability to succeed,” Rivers said. Through the Face 2 Face
program, Kids Escaping Drugs has partnered with school districts all over
Western New York to help educate kids about alcohol and drug addiction.
“This vital program has grown from six schools in the 2008-2009 school
year to over 90 schools in the past year.” Rivers said.
Over 230 million people around the world tried an illicit drug last year – or
one in every 20 people. This is a problem that is only growing, but Kid’s
Escaping Drugs is cleaning up Western New York and giving families a second
chance. Make a Change WNY!
Over 230 million people around the world tried an illicit drug last year – or
one in every 20 people. This is a problem that is only growing, but Kid’s
Escaping Drugs is cleaning up Western New York and giving families a second
chance. Make a Change WNY!